Sunday, December 14, 2014

Health Tips 57: Stop Drug Abuse

Health Tips 57: Stop Drug Abuse – You may know or not but each and every pill has its side effect. So without doctor’s prescription do not take drug by yourself. Some drug reaction may release incredible amount of toxin that can immediately kill your body immune system.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Health Tips 56: Stop or Limit Alcohol Intake

Health Tips 56: Stop or Limit Alcohol Intake – Well red wine contains resveratrol content which is proven to be good for heart but not too much, you have to put a limit on it. Excessive alcohol intake can result into health and organ damage like heart weakening, liver problem, loss of sleep and feeling of tiredness and more. It is better for you to stop drinking because regular alcohol intake will turn into an addiction someday. You can take resveratrol pills if your doctor recommends it.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Health Tips 55: Stop your unhealthy activities

Health Tips 55: Stop your unhealthy activities – Todays fast paced world always demand more from you. Our lifestyle has changed which is good but that bring some bad things too. These days many of us spend most of our time in job, we always use internet, technology is everywhere that making our task easier as a result making us idle. Many of us spend our spare time by watching television, or gossip with others, or diving into our notebook or tablet or smartphone, and many more activities that is affecting our mind as well as our body. I am not asking to let go those activities but least we can do is spend more time doing productive things like exercise, yoga and spa or spending happy times with friends and family that release the pressure, makes our mind calm, as a result we have a happy healthy life.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Health Tips 54: Eat Organic Food

Health Tips 54: Eat Organic Food – It is great to see that people are now aware of organic foods and the importance of it for healthy life. If you start taking a lot of organic fresh foods and vegetables daily, they will not only save you from harmful chemical and toxins but also remove harmful toxins that are already in your body. 


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Health Tips 53: Deep Breathing

Health Tips 53: Deep Breathing – If you are out in the open where there is fresh air, try deep breathing and make it your habit. Deep breathing will make your mind relaxed and increases your body blood circulation by taking much needed oxygen.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Health Tips 52: Do not take pill without prescription

Health Tips 52: If you are not living a healthy life then someday you want or not you shall face chronic health conditions as a result you may have to take several types of pill daily. As you may know every pill has more or less side effects. So regular taking of those pills can damage kidneys and can cause more problems. 


Monday, December 8, 2014

Health Tips 51: Toxic chemicals are dangerous for human body

Health Tips 51: Toxic chemicals are dangerous for human body. When it comes to home cleaning you should try to choose non-toxic home cleaners. Even you are not eating toxic chemicals but they can enter your body by regular using of them. 
