Saturday, December 20, 2014

Health Tips 61-65: Body Detoxification Tips

Health Tips 61: Do juice fasting – Someone agrees and someone not but one of the popular detox method is the juice fasting. People, who believe in this method, follow it to reduce or eliminate the toxins that their body accumulates from cooked food and animal products.

Health Tips 61: Colon Cleansing – Another popular detox method is colon cleansing.  If you want get rid of harmful parasites from your colon or large intestines and if you want to clean your bowel that may already have accumulated or petrified in the colon that can lead to poor digestion and illnesses then you definitely follow this method.

Health Tips 63: Do hydrotherapy – This detoxifying method is surely becoming popular that you can find in saunas and spas. Buy you can do it while you are having shower. It is considered to be one of those alternative methods in detoxification wherein the altered water temperature can result into the body’s blood circulation and the removal of wastes from the tissues of the body.

Health Tips 64: Do skin brushing – Our skin is more capable of getting harmful toxins. It can easily let toxins enter your system. By using skin brushing method your skin becomes stimulated eliminating those harmful toxic waste from your body as well as makes your kidney healthier.

Health Tips 65: Intake of herbs – Natural herbs are gold in the detoxification field. Such as herbs like licorice and yucca roots which are great laxatives, dandelion and milk thistle for the liver, witch hazel and cranberry which are good-anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory herbs and pumpkin seeds that can remove parasites from our body.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Health Tips 60: Have more safe sexual intercourse

Health Tips 60: Have more safe sexual intercourse – I can tell this one good exercise that can really bring positive result to your body and mind is to having a safe sexual intercourse with your love ones. Please make it happen with your wife or husband only otherwise you may get sick from it. Active sexual intercourse surely can bring more energy to you. It can reduce the cholesterol level of your body. It helps to flow more oxygen to your brain, as a result you shall get more sleep, your stress and pressure will be reduced. Even it can serve as a natural pain reliever.



Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Health Tips 59: Save your hair from harmful chemicals

Health Tips 59: Save your hair from harmful chemicals – Everyday many of us use hair spray and dyes that is actively damaging our earth ozone layer. May be we do not care about that now but today or tomorrow it will effect on us. Let’s come to your body, these spray or dyes contains various harmful chemicals which can enter our body through skin and affect various organs of our body. You can just let your hair alone, just do take regular care of your hair and they will remain naturally healthy and beautiful.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Health Tips 58: Be careful about your make-up

Health Tips 58: Be careful about your make-up – Few of us know that most of the make-up items available in the market contain various chemicals and toxins. When we use them, those harmful chemicals enter our body. Well there are many ways to naturally make you look good by using little or no cosmetics. It is better if you buy cosmetics that are made of natural or chemical free ingredients.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Health Tips 57: Stop Drug Abuse

Health Tips 57: Stop Drug Abuse – You may know or not but each and every pill has its side effect. So without doctor’s prescription do not take drug by yourself. Some drug reaction may release incredible amount of toxin that can immediately kill your body immune system.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Health Tips 56: Stop or Limit Alcohol Intake

Health Tips 56: Stop or Limit Alcohol Intake – Well red wine contains resveratrol content which is proven to be good for heart but not too much, you have to put a limit on it. Excessive alcohol intake can result into health and organ damage like heart weakening, liver problem, loss of sleep and feeling of tiredness and more. It is better for you to stop drinking because regular alcohol intake will turn into an addiction someday. You can take resveratrol pills if your doctor recommends it.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Health Tips 55: Stop your unhealthy activities

Health Tips 55: Stop your unhealthy activities – Todays fast paced world always demand more from you. Our lifestyle has changed which is good but that bring some bad things too. These days many of us spend most of our time in job, we always use internet, technology is everywhere that making our task easier as a result making us idle. Many of us spend our spare time by watching television, or gossip with others, or diving into our notebook or tablet or smartphone, and many more activities that is affecting our mind as well as our body. I am not asking to let go those activities but least we can do is spend more time doing productive things like exercise, yoga and spa or spending happy times with friends and family that release the pressure, makes our mind calm, as a result we have a happy healthy life.
