Thursday, January 15, 2015

Health Tips 84-86: Try to be a vegetarian have a macrobiotic lifestyle

Health Tips 84: Try to be a vegetarian – It must be very hard to be a vegetarian who have become used to eating meat. Well vegetable and fruits are always good for health and environment. Vegetarian lives more energetic and toxin free life than other, who eat red meat, fried chicken or other animal foods.

Health Tips 85: Have a macrobiotic lifestyle – This is the lifestyle that should be lived with your life’s harmony with nature, proper diet as well as with love and respect to your environment. Today people are becoming more aware of the environment problems they are facing every day, which is really a good sign.

Health Tips 86: Have a therapeutic and strategic body massage – If you really care about health benefits like having a better digestive system and the stimulation of your body’s ability to get rid of toxins and waste then you should go to some place where you can have a therapeutic and strategic body massage.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Health Tips 81-83: Have a holistic lifestyle with Proper Hygiene and Avoid promiscuity

Health Tips 81: Have a lifestyle that is holistic – If you live a holistic life which is mindful of the body, mind and spirit’s health all at the same time, not just any one of them. As a result you can monitor not just your health but also toxicity of your whole body.

Health Tips 82: Avoid promiscuity – Try to live a perversion and promiscuity free life. By this way you can not only be free from emotional drain that can give you so much pain but also you can avoid serious illness because of those acts of perversion such as STD and other sexual disease like AIDS.

Health Tips 83: Proper Hygiene – Proper hygiene can really benefit a person to drive away toxins from entering your body. Do take a bath every day, brush and floss your teeth after every meal and wash your hands frequently before eating your meal and ofcourse after toilet.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Health Tips 78-80: Attend Pilates classes, Do Exercise to get a good night’s sleep

Health Tips 78: Attend Pilates classes – This is also popular nowadays, even celebrities follow them. Pilates classes are more like yoga that can surely boost your energy as well as promote body immune system.

Health Tips 79: Do fat reducing exercises – Well if you are not that old and physically able to do exercise then do not be lazy do exercise that can make you sweat in the process reduces your fat and gives you a well-toned better shaped toxin free body.

Health Tips 80: Exercise to get a good night’s sleep – Sound sleep is very important if want your toxins go out from your body system. But you need to do right exercise that can induce you sleep properly. Make your sleeping environment peaceful and distraction free such as tv, computer or extra lights.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Health Tips 75-77: Yoga, Exercise and Swimming

Health Tips 75: Yoga for your body – If you want to remove stress and toxin from your body then yoga is the most favorite choice for exercise. It remove stress from your mind, promotes respiration, decreases blood pressure, gives you sound sleep, promotes better digestion and improves your posture and focus.

Health Tips 76: Get cardiovascular exercises – This cardiovascular exercise is a workout that is great for busting calories. If you do it regularly then it will do good for anger management as a result your body and mind will be much relaxed.

Health Tips 77: Do regular swimming exercises – It is now proved that swimming exercise is really good detox exercise as it works out your heart and muscles and promotes better breathing that helps internal cleansing of your body. But it would be best to avoid chlorinated water and choose pool with natural water for your swimming exercise.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Health Tips 71-74: Convert your meal to a healthy one

Health Tips 71: Avoid junk food – This is really important so I am telling this again that you really need to avoid junk food. Junk food containing chemicals and unnatural sweeteners and flavorings may be easy to get and taste good but you must be shocked if you could know how they are damaging your body. Actually you eat them first then they start eating you like slow poison.

Health Tips 72: Eat raw food – there are many raw food and raw food detox diet that are effective in detoxifying your body. Having it can help in cleansing your body of processed ingredients and animal products that have already accumulated in your system.

Health Tips 73: Eat anti-oxidant food – Food like cranberries is a great anti-oxidant food that promotes sharpness of the brain. Vitamin C is a good detox agent which is perfect of our liver due to its glutathione content. Garlic is also a well rich anti-oxidant food.

Health Tips 74: Eat organic, locally grown and ethical foods – Include organic food or locally grown pesticide-free food to your daily diet plan, this way you can be assured of not only making your body healthy and free of toxins but also help your community.



Monday, December 22, 2014

Health Tips 69-70: Eating lots of fiber and Drink plenty of water

Health Tips 69: Eating lots of fiber – It is already approved that eating fiber foods can help cleaning your digestive system as well as drain out harmful toxins and accumulated feces. Rice, broccoli, wheat bread, corn, barn cereal and of course various fruits and vegetables are the great source of fiber.

Health Tips 70: Drink plenty of water – I have already told similar tips before and telling you again that water is a big medicine. If you want to cleanse your body system as well as get rid of toxins then water is the number one solution. As I told before avoid sodas, alcohol and drink water instead of that, even it is better than juice. So drink water regularly.


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Health Tips 66-68: Meditation & Stress Management

Health Tips 66: Meditation – Meditation is an amazing way to detoxifying your mind as well as your body. It helps to re-energize your body and get rid of poisonous thoughts that can be very harmful to our mind. Choose the best meditation guides available and a follow a specific schedule and program that you can do regularly.

Health Tips 67: Do Meditation Alone – If you want to get immediate result then doing meditation alone is recommended. You need to remove any discomfort and nuisances that can break your concentration. Select a comfortable location that has proper lighting and temperature. But be patient, give time, practice daily then you shall get result.

Health Tips 68: Get rid of your stress – You can find many effective ways to get rid of your stress. One of the methods is getting counsel. You should be more involve in social activities, open up your mind, meet with people that can really boost your confidence level and give you a stress free life. If you are careful about your health that is good but in that process do not get stressed out like feeling insecure about everything that may harm your health.

