Sunday, November 30, 2014

Health Tips 25: Fish has omega 3-fatty acid to reduce cholesterol

Health Tips 25: If you are a fish lover then there is good news that fish has low fat and oily fish contains high amount of omega 3-fatty acid. This omega 3-fatty acid or as you call it fish oil is rare to be found in other foods. Omega 3-fatty acid fights with your body cholesterol and it also take care of our heart to function well. So who do not like fish, can try sometimes, it is not that bad and very good for a health life.

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Health Tips 24: Becareful about how much you are going to eat

Health Tips 24: Whenever you buy your groceries and cook food, be careful about how much you are going to eat. As an example, if someone wants to cook noodles, he just takes the packet and cooks it to eat. Well the pack may have said the number of servings like two people or four people but the person feels hungry and eats it all. We always live in a hurry, so whether we eat at home or outside, we do not have time to think before we eat but that need to be changed if we want a healthy life.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Health Tips 23: Give to children fruits or toys instead of candies and sweets

Health Tips 23: We all love children and also like to give to them gifts, candies and sweets. Well we need to change that habit. Give fruits or toys instead of candies and sweets. Children’s are innocent, they learn from your every step. They copy each and every habit that you have. So try to live a healthy life, eat healthy foods and they will learn it automatically which will give us a healthy and happy life.

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Health Tips 22: Reduce sugar you take with coffee or tea daily

Health Tips 22: Many people have a habit of drinking hot or cold coffee or tea daily. Well that is ok but try to reduce the amount of sugar you take with it. You need setup your mind that you will gradually reduce taking sugar with coffee or tea and someday you should be able to drink coffee or tea without any sugar. In the process you can choose white sugar and brown sugar that has lower amount of calories and does not have any vitamins or minerals. Taking extra sugar is very bad for health and it also can cause tooth decay.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Health Tips 21: Stay away from junk foods

Health Tips 21: If you want stay healthy then stay away from junk foods. Junk foods may taste great but it is really bad for body. This type of foods contains high level of sodium, calories and chemical ingredients which makes it feel and taste like real organic foods. If you feel like having a break then just choose fresh nutritious fruits and vegetables instead of junk foods.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Health Tips 20: Do not drink sodas, coffee, energy drink and alcohol

Health Tips 20: What we drink every day raises a big question if we care about our health. Most of the people cannot think about passing a day without drinking sodas, coffee, energy drink and alcohol. These drinks are all contains huge amount of calories that can concentrate to make us fat. In addition recent research shows that soda and energy drinks are bad for our kidney. So every time you feel thirsty, just drink a glass of water or fresh juice.

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Health Tips 19: Avoid delicious mouth watery foods in holydays and parties

Health Tips 19: We need to be careful about holydays and parties, because sometimes we cannot control our self from eating too much in those days. In those days people used to prepare some delicious and mouth watery foods. You need to stay away from its preparation to control yourself. I know it is very hard but just set in your mind that you eat only nutritious foods and avoid those mouthwatering foods as much as possible.

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Health Tips 18: Do not eat if you are not hungry

Health Tips 18: Many people sometimes cannot resist themself from eating their favorite foods whether they are hungry or not. Please do not eat if you are not hungry and always keep that in your mind. Many people gains weight by this habit. If you feel a little hungry then drink water, sometime we eat to get rid of our thirst. When you have to eat your meal, do not overdo it. Calm down a bit, eat slowly and enjoy your food. Do not add any more food or item to your plate. When you eat slowly by chewing it properly, your saliva gets mixed with your food makes it more digestive. That prevents us from various gastric problem and constipation.

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Health Tips 17: Eat foods that contain vitamin A, C, E for eye

Health Tips 17: Eye is the vital part of our body and most important part of our life. We all want a brighter, healthier and beautiful eye. For that we need to eat foods that contain vitamin A, C, E, beta-carotene and lutein which are all antioxidant. These vitamins can surely protect you from eye diseases. They also lower the risk of eye problems especially the age-related macular degeneration. As you grow old, this eye problem can cause blindness. So eat foods like green leafy vegetable to get those valuable vitamins and do take good care of your eyes.

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Health Tips 16: Eat oysters, beef, pork to get Zinc

Health Tips 16: Do your know about zinc? Well without zinc our body cannot produce cell and repair tissues. As a result our body immune system will collapse as well as body reproductive system. So you need to add zinc in your menu. You may love oysters and they are rich in zinc. You can also find zinc in other foods like beef and pork. Enjoy!

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Health Tips 15: Eat orange, berries, tomatoes, kiwi for Vitamin C

Health Tips 15: You should eat fruits like orange or drink orange juice every day. This type of fruits also called Citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C. As you know Vitamin C can enhance our immune system that improves our body resistance system to provide better protection against infection. In addition to that Vitamin C can also helps the iron absorption process that save us from anemia. Other than orange you can get Vitamin C from berries, tomatoes, kiwi and green leafy vegetables as well.

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Health Tips 14: Eat non-fat yogurt with some of your favorite fruit slices

Health Tips 14: If you combine non-fat yogurt with some of your favorite fruit slices then it is really good for health. Why? Because dairy products like non fat yogurt naturally contains a lot of Calcium and vitamin A. As you know Calcium strengthens our bones and vitamin A plays an important role in making our skin beautiful. Also i would like to add that non fat yogurt contains bacteria. Oh no! don't be scared, they are friendly bacteria known as probiotics which enhances digestive system of our body and keeps it healthy.

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Friday, November 21, 2014

Health Tips 13: Carbohydrates do not increase weight

Health Tips 13: There are lot of misconception about Carbohydrates. Well one thing i want to clarify that Carbohydrates do not increase weight. Carbohydrates is the main source of our energy and it contains low fat. So do not cut down Carbohydrates from your meal. But listen, the side dishes that we eat with rice and those spreads that we place in the sandwiches are the ones that need to be limited.

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Health Tips 12: Include high fiber foods in your everyday diet plan

Health Tips 12: It is must to include high fiber foods in your everyday diet plan. Maintaining health and physical fitness without high fiber is not possible. Foods like fruits, legumes, nuts, grains and vegetables are the main source of high fiber. Fiber contents can lower bad cholesterol level. It protects your digestive system. It can keep you away from various types of diseases like cardiovascular disease, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney stones, some cancer and skin diseases also diabetes as it makes the sugar absorption slower. The FDA recommends that a person should eat between 20 and 30 grams of fiber per day. If you eat a large apple with the skin then you shall get 5.4 grams of fiber.

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Health Tips 11: Follow Miracle Morning Banana Diet

Health Tips 11: Many people heard about Miracle Morning Banana Diet, well it is a traditional Japanese diet. Those who do not know, this diet is all about eating banana for breakfast. If you follow this diet plan then all you have to do is to eat banana for breakfast, drink adequate water all day, stop eating after 8:00 PM at night and always try to sleep before midnight. Many people may disagree but It is a proven Japanese diet plan that is effective for weight loss as banana increases metabolism.

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Health Tips 10: Iron nutrition is very important for body

Health Tips 10: Iron nutrition is very important for body. You can get iron form foods like fish, red meat, cereal, poultry, vegetable (leafy) and raisins. Iron helps in other word act like fuel for our body's red blood cell production. For better iron absorption to your body you need to take iron rich foods with Vitamin C.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Health Tips 9: Becareful about your fat intake everyday

Health Tips 9: Fat is always dangerous, you need to be cautious how much fat you are eating everyday. You must maintain a low fat diet. You can choose like fruits, vegetables, beans and grains and so forth, these are all low fat food. Whenever you buy a product from the market, you always read the product label to be sure that you are not adding much fat to your meals. To be exact when you see the label of the food product just check that the fat part is not more than 2 to 3 grams. But 1 gram of fat per 100 calories is the best choice.

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Health Tips 8: Drink 8 glasses of water every day

Health Tips 8: We all know that water is life. Water is very very important to sustain a healthy life. Scientists have recommended that a person should drink at least 8 ounces of 8 glasses of water every day. Our body cells, tissues and various organs need water to function normally. You need to provide sufficient water to your body. Because dehydration can seriously damage your kidneys and other. In that situation if you do not get proper medical intervention immediately then it may result to mental confusion, coma or even death. So drink water regularly and be healthy.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Health Tips 7: Eat chicken roast, bake or broil it instead of deep fry

Health Tips 7: Almost everyone loves chicken. But the most important thing before cooking it is that you have to remove the visible skin and fats. And this is the best and healthy way to prepare any type of poultry for a meal. Many people love to eat deep fried chicken but that is very bad for health. You need to avoid deep frying it. You can roast, bake or broil it instead of deep frying to prevent oil absorption. In addition you should look for the chicken breasts cause it contain high protein and low fat which is better for your health.

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Health Tips 6: Try to eat whole foods

Health Tips 6: Whenever you want to have your meal try to eat whole foods. Why whole food? Cause whole foods are full of nutrition with all its natural compounds intact. These foods does not go through the industrial path that is why they are neither processed nor refined. Whole foods does not have any added chemicals such as flavorings, preservatives and other ingredients. So why waiting lets start eating whole foods. Your each and every meal will be perfect if you add slices of fresh fruits and vegetables with your whole food. Take care.
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Health Tips 5: Lower the amount of eating processed foods

Health Tips 5: You have to avoid or lower the amount of eating processed foods like canned goods, refrigerated and dried foods. When any food goes through the route of processing that surely alters the natural components of the food. And definitely that processing makes it less beneficial to your body. Moreover those food processing companies uses various types of chemicals to preserve, control and enhance the flavor of the food. These chemicals are extremely harmful to the systems of your body. So other than enhancing your health these types of food will damage your body.

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Health Tips 4: Stay away from any buffet meals

Health Tips 4: You need stay away from any buffet meals because it will possibly tempt you to eat too much to get a fair value of what you have paid. On the other hand, you can go for nutritious foods such as fresh fruits, vegetable salads and low fat foods. You need to resist yourself from refilling your plate for the second time if you need to take buffet.
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Health Tips 3: Be conscious about how much salt you take

Health Tips 3: You need to be conscious about how much salt you take in during snacks and meals. Salt that we eat with our meals, is sodium chloride which is widely used as flavor enhancer. High sodium is a great risk for our body and causes diseases like high blood, heartburn, osteoporosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Anyone can limit sodium intake by just reducing his consumption of salty foods without taking the option of salt substitutes.
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Health Tips 2: Plan a well balanced diet

You always need to maintain a well thought and well balanced diet for your healthy living. You may ask, so a well balanced diet is like having different kinds of organic and nutritious foods in proportion. That will definitely boost your energy as well as will improve your welfare. Careful about taking vitamins cause excessive and deficiency of specific vitamins plus minerals can also cause bad effects to your health which is totally undesirable.
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Friday, November 14, 2014

Health Tips 1: Do not skip breakfast

Health Tips 1: If you care about your health you should give importance to your breakfast cause it is the most vital meal for the day. You never should miss it, you need it to refuel your body from functional metabolic changes during long hours of sleep. Make a mix of carbohydrates, fats and proteins for an ideal nutrition such as combinations of fresh fruits, bread toast and breakfast cereals with milk.

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